Chavda Balondra & Associates

IEC CODE, Trade mark & subridy consultency

No export or import shall be made by any person without an Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) Number unless specifically exempted. An Importer/Exporter Code (IEC) number shall be granted on application to the competent authority.

  • An application for grant of IEC number shall be made by the Registered/Head Office of the applicant to the licensing authority concerned in the form specified and shall be accompanied by documents prescribed therein.

  • An IEC Number allotted to an applicant shall be valid for all its branches/divisions/units/factories as indicated on the IEC number.

  • Where an IEC Number is lost or misplaced, the issuing authority may consider requests for grant of a duplicate copy of IEC number, if accompanies by an affidavit.

  • If an IEC holder does not wish to operate the allotted IEC number, he may surrender the same by informing the issuing authority. On receipt of such intimation, the issuing authority shall immediately inform all the RBI/Customs/Licensing authorities that the said IEC number has become inoperative.

  • If there is any change in the name/address or constitution of IEC holder/licensee/Actual User eligible for import without a licence/recognised status holders, as the case may be, shall cease to be eligible to import or export against the licence/IEC Number or any other facility permitted under the Policy and Handbook, after expiry of 60 days from the date of such change in his name or constitution, unless in the meantime
  1. the IEC holder/licensee/status holders has got the consequential changes effected in the IEC number/licence or the recognition certificate, as the case may be, by the concerned licensing authority.
  2. the Actual User has got the consequential changes effected from the concerned authority in the Industrial Licence issued by the Secretariat for Industrial Assistance (Ministry of Commerce and Industry) or Certificate of Registration as an Actual User issued by Director of Industries of the State Government or has received an acknowledgement for filing of a memorandum with the Secretariat for Industrial Assistance. Provided, however, the licensing authority issuing the IE Code may, condone the delay on payment of a penalty of Rs.5000/-.
  3. We provide Proffessional consolting for following subsidy schemes.
    • CLCSS (Credit linked capital subsidy scheme.)
    • 5-7% Interest subsidy (Gujarat Government.)
    • Subsidy to textile units.


Trademark play an important role for commercialization and growth of industries. The reputation built by a trademark on accoutn of its quality or performance coupled with the customer satisfaction, influences the customer's mind for repeat orders. The customer may not even know the name or the address of the manufacturer bu it is the mark, as an ambassador of the manufacturer..

  • A trademark application shall be made to the authority concerned in specified from with documents prescribed therein.

  • Before application for trademark registration we ensure that the logo or name in respect of which you intend to register a trademark is not identical to an existing logo or name.

  • We provide your best suggestion for trademark logo or name hence there are not chances of your trademark revoked subsequently.

  • Our term of services will be clearly intimated to our clients in writing on confirmation of trademark availability.


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