Chavda Balondra & Associates


Our Policy consists of Physical as well as Network Security at the workplace.

Most of the work is carried on client’s server using remote access to client’s VPN. The operators work on computers that do not have disk drives and printers for copying data and as such the data remains on client’s server all the time.


  • Network security is maintained through Symantec antivirus and firewall protection.
  • Restricted Access to servers to ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed to access the authorised data.
  • Access to internet is restricted and controlled.
  • SQL database encrypted password protected logins restrict access to registered users only.
  • We sign Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) with clients and our employees sign similar agreement with us.
  • Comprehensive security audits are performed on a bimonthly basis.
  • All data is backed up on a regular basis in our back-up server(IBM).


We believe in setting up higher working standards & goals and to achieve & maintain this consistently we follow regular audit programme on annual basis, which helps us to review and edit our policies and work processes. The evaluation reports generated through such audits gives us an insight into different aspects relating to our work processes, network & data security needing urgent attention, which again helps us to resolve the matter before it becomes an issue. Following evaluations are made through regular audits:

  • Policies and processes both for IS and organization as a whole
  • Local Security
  • Network Security
  • Vulnerability assessment

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