Chavda Balondra & Associates

Mode of Service

There are several options available to you in the way we work with you for providing outsourced bookkeeping services. You could choose the one that suits you the best. We can briefly classify these Options of Methodologies into three major types.

  •       Server Based
  •       Remote Access Based
  •       Online Software Based

The Details of these options are explained as under:- 


1                                                         2                                                3                                                                      


You(The Client in US) Send Us (Indian Bookkeeper) the source Documents

We (Indian Bookkeeper) Process Source Documents

We (Indian Bookkeeper) give you Updated Books

The Source Documents or Raw Data such as Bank Statements, Expenses , Check Stubs etc will be scanned by you & upload to our secure ftp server (Rupesh can we do this)

We, at our end, will process source documents and update your books same night. We ask you to provide us copy of your books (backup file of your software). We shall work on the software specified by you such as QuickBooks, Peachtree or EasyAcct etc

You come to office the next morning and download the updated books from you e-mail account.



1                                                             2                                                     3                            

You(In US) Send Us (Indian Bookkeeper) the source Documents

We (Indian Bookkeeper)  Connect to Your Computer (In US)  via internet securely

We (Indian Bookkeeper) Update the Books and logout

The Source Documents or Raw Data such as Bank Statements, Expenses , Check Stubs etc will be scanned by you & upload to our secure ftp server

We (Indian Bookkeeper), at our end, connect to your computer using a remote desktop access service provided by you or like service such as or Secure VPN from India

You come to office the next morning and find the books updated on your computer!



1                                                                 2                                                   3                        

You(In US) Send Us (Indian Bookkeeper) the source Documents

We (Indian Bookkeeper) Use the Online Accounting Software

We (Indian Bookkeeper) Update the Books and logout

The Source Documents or Raw Data such as Bank Statements, Expenses , Check Stubs etc will be scanned by you & upload to our secure ftp server

We (Indian Bookkeeper),  login to Online Accounting Software (eg and update the books

You login to the online accounting software via internet whenever you need - 24x7 - and see the updated books


If you have any further queries relating to outsourced bookkeeping process, please feel free to call us on Tel.: +91-9727750508 between 7.30 A.M. NY Time to 12.30 P.M. NY Time

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