Chavda Balondra & Associates

Accounts Payable

The businesses have multiple vendors for various company related expenses. We Generate payments for any specific period whether daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually, taking into mind any credits or changes to accounts that may occur. This helps your to take control of all your vendors and recorded payments by generating reports on periods, specific vendor, account histories, and so forth.

Accounts Receivable:

With information available on accounts receivable in respect of all incoming payments, the client can monitor any past due or accounts needing collection, and most importantly invoicing your clientele where necessary. Stay on top of your businesses efforts by sending statements for the period of your choice, and screen aging invoices by generating detail specific reports.

CPAs, Accounting Firms & Small Businesses can contact us for availing the following services:

  • Weekly Processing of bills payable.
  • Detail Aged Listing for Outstanding Accounts Payable.
  • Weekly processing of checks received and generating Aged Receivable Listing.

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